Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My last post..15 week...

Salam and hai...

My reviews about these 14 weeks:
-it teaches me alot about the usage of resources in the classroom.
-everything new for me.

My point of view about these questions:
  • What they like about blogging?
  • Can deliver our ideas, understanding, point of views and opinions based on something.
  • What they do not like about blogging?
  • Sometimes the ideas or not the same with others opinions.
  • What have they gained from blogging eg. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc.
  • Yes, language skill was improved including critical thinking and the usage of technology.
  • How?
  • By applying what I have learned in the class in everyday life such as communicating. Then, I may apply it in my assignments.
  • What they like about the course?
  • Learn something about the usage of resources e.g technology.
  • What they do not like about the course?
  • Just only learning using technology. Do not learn about other types of resources.
  • What they have learnt from the course?
  • How to download, audio, video, pictures editing, storing items in the internet, and learning about the educational softwares, books using online application.
  • What they do not expect but have learnt from the course?
  • The usage of storage files in the internet.
  • What they expect but have not learnt from the course?
  • To learn on how to use other types of resources for example besides the usage of technology.
  • If they can change anything about the course, state what it is and explain.
  • The needs of printing the tutorials in every assignment. This is because there are too much of it. If little tutorials were used in every assignments which are need to be print, it is okay. But to much, it is not very suitable I think. 
That is all from me. Thanks for teaching me about this course. I am very glad to learn it because it surely can help me in my future teacher proficiency later. Thank you and until we meet again.Salam...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Educational book software..

First and foremost, software is a tool which we can usually relate it to the usage of the computer, internet and handphones. There are many kinds of its. Some are to manage it's owner computer to become smoother, easier and faster. But how about educational software? Specifically speaking; educational book software. What is it? Where can we find it? How can we use it? All of these questions I will answer it in below discussion.
Educational book software is a software that helps teacher and learners to make their learning to become more interesting and meaningful. This is due to the usage of colourful pictures, animations which allow pupils to concentrate even more to the topic that they will learn using the educational book software. 
Moreover, it is easy to find educational book software. On the internet, in the bookstore and we can also find it in the school resource center. Not only that, teacher can use this software online to teach the pupils. This is important as teacher need to be flexsible in order to find the best teaching method to deliver the inputs towards the pupils. So, why can not teacher use this educational book software since it can help to develop more teaching proficiency.
  Last but not least, as future teacher I always remind of myself that we must keep up to date since today we live in the world full of technologies. We can up to date ourselves by using this educational book software. We may give the pupils some tasks which make them use the educational book software. We also can use it as one of our teaching materials. For example to show the pupils different kinds of the concrete objects which can be found in the educational book software. 
So, this topic really embark my knowledge of using technologies as one of the resources which I will be used it in my future classroom..That's all for now. The end.
Till we meet again...
Salam and bye bye....  

About my first week reviews...

This is the first time I am using this blogging sites.
Afraid to use it actually. Hehehe...
Nothing much to say but wish me luck for the next post
in the second week..
Bye bye...Till then...Salam...

p.s The reason I posted the first week review here after the week twelve is to show all of you that how exactly 'zero' I am at that time...  

My twelve week... Assignments...

 This is the time when people starts to work like a speed of light. The time when people want to hand in their assignments. This situation happen to me.
This week all of us need to hand in our assignment. Besides all of the tiedness... There are lots of good things that we can share about it.
Firstly, the understanding about the assignments develop as there are lots of reading need to be done.
In addition, the teamwork. Yes in this class, it helps me alot to exchange ideas with others especially my teamwork. They help me alot to solve some obstacles when I doing this assignments.
Besides that, by doing this assignment it helps me to become more discipline people since there are due date for me to hand in my assignments. Thus, it helps me to overcome my laziness problems especially in solving matters as future teacher I need to become a hardworking teacher.
Lastly, it is crytal clear that all this assignment surely develops my soft skills such as cooperation, critical thinking skill, communication skills, how to get the whole idea about the input with in this assignment and many more. 
That is all for now...Bye bye...

Research paper...

Salam and hai..
This week task is about finding research paper. As I already mentioned it on the below post, I do claim that there are lots of benefits for trainee teachers like us. Thus, do free to refer to below post. Thank you.
As what we have discussed last week, the week we still on the same topic where Mr. Fairuz Raziman takes his turn to present what his group have to say about topic six. After listening to what he has said, it helps me a lot to broaden my schemata about previous lesson such as more explanation about what, why, when, where, how to find the right sources of appropriate materials.
Thus, this week reminds me alot the correct usage of internet in finding sources for the teaching inputs and many more.Till then until we meet again... 

Video making website? Easy and fun..

As we all know, video making website is one of the way teacher can fulfill the usage of technologies in the classroo. This week the lecturer introduce us with this website 'www.onetruemedia.com'. 
This website is like an alternative video making website. It use three simple words to attract the user attention which are 'upload', 'choose a style' and 'wow everyone'. In my opinion, I found out this website let us use different style of effects, animations, and for the best part is the website itself will do the rest fir us. It is easy. Not only that, it is also free of charge.Wow! It is very interesting, itsn't?
More over, I myself as a newcomer in this world of technology do realize that, by using this website it allows my video to be like one of the professional video such as MTV video music.
Thus, as future teacher I must be able to apply this knowledge (the usage of this website) in my classroom since this alternative website allows me to improve the teaching and learning process and develop my soft skills with other teahcers.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Research articles..Important for us..

Salam and hai...
This week we are required to find a research article in the website.
For the first thought, I feel it did not give any benefit on us, however after I find and search it in the website, I found lots of new informations about teacher and teaching proficiency.
So, by doing this week task, I found that it helps me alot on how to drill the informations that can be used in the future. Hope any task during this holiday helps me to be more independent learner as today world people are moving forward and I do not want to left behind.